Importance Facts about Ketamine Therapy in California

Ketamine is basically a drug that doctors use as an anesthetic to lose consciousness. These effects comprise sedation and reduced the sensation of pain. This medicine is a Schedule 3 non-narcotic that the FDA or Food and Drug Administration has agreed only for use as a general anesthetic purpose. However, many doctors in California sometimes prescribe it for depression or pain associated issues. You should know the proper use of ketamine therapy California.

Many people use ketamine for its hallucinogenic elements. It can help to incapacitate, sedate, and cause short-term memory loss, and due to this, some people use it as a date-rape drug. While ketamine is secure and safe if you use it in controlled medical practice, it becomes dangerous if someone takes it for amusing use. So, you should know the important facts about ketamine. Keep reading this article to learn more about the uses, and risks of ketamine.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic, which doctors use to tempt general anesthesia for medicinal procedures that do not need muscle relaxation. General anesthesia signifies a sleep-like condition, while dissociative refers to the effect of feeling detached. Ketamine can help to produce hallucinations likewise to other drugs such as PCP and LSD, or angel dust. Hallucinations are partial perceptions of sights and sounds.

To know more about ketamine treatment, you can consult with the doctors of Youssef Pain Management. We will provide you proper guidance remotely to California residents from the safety and comfort of their home.

Ketamine to Treat Pain

Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist healing drug which is effective against chronic and acute pain. People who choose ketamine therapy are suggested an oral and nasal ketamine treatment plan for the patients. Persons with chronic pain sufferers and mood disorders benefit from ketamine therapy California in numerous ways by efficiently managing chronic pain indications. Apart from that, nonopioid pain management is recommended for them. 

Treating Depression

According to a trusted source, ketamine can rapidly relieve depression in people who don’t respond properly to other treatments. Despite these positive outcomes, the use of ketamine for this disorder is limited, so doctors should consider the risks of the medication before prescribing it. According to the doctors of Youssef Pain Management, the inapt use of ketamine is a global health problem due to its hallucinogenic elements. With this thing in mind, we wish to prescribe antidepressants before trying ketamine therapy for depression.

How Does It Work?

Ketamine is a strong and fast-acting medication that leaves the patients who are feeling sedated and detached. As a consequence, it is easier for them to deal with depression and chronic pain. Ketamine helps to produce neuroplasticity that enhances your brain’s capability to respond to depression and pain positively.

Hence, ketamine therapy California is considered as an effective and safe treatment method. Contact Youssef Pain Management, if you are looking for a safe ketamine treatment plan and online pain doctors prescriptions.


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